Akceptacja warunków

The following are the terms of a contract between you and PortugueseWinesShop.com By accessing and using this Website the User acknowledges having read and understood these terms and to comply with all laws and rules.

If the user does not agree with these terms, please do not use this Website. The material on this website is protected by law.  

Obligations and Conduct 

Biorąc pod uwagę korzystanie z tej Witryny, użytkownik zobowiązuje się do: podania dokładnych, aktualnych i kompletnych informacji podczas rejestracji na tej stronie, zachowania bezpieczeństwa swojego hasła i identyfikacji; aktualizowania swoich danych; akceptują wszelkie ryzyko związane z nieuprawnionym dostępem do informacji i Danych rejestracyjnych. Użytkownik ponosi wyłączną odpowiedzialność za ochronę, tworzenie kopii zapasowych i sprzęt używany w związku z tą Witryną.

Users of this site is only authorized to use the content present here for strictly personal purposes. It is strictly forbidden to publish, reproduce, or distribute this content to others unless it exists for prior authorization from the PortugueseWinesShop.com 

PortugueseWinesShop.com zastrzega sobie prawo do ścigania sprawców nieuprawnionego wykorzystania zawartości niniejszej Witryny. Korzystając z tej strony, wyraźnie akceptujesz powyższe Warunki użytkowania.

Privacy Policy and Security 

All personal data collected by the Portuguesewinesshop.com has the sole purpose of billing. Our company has a commitment to privacy of any and all personal data from the client, as well as their safety. All information you provide will allow only that our service is best suited to their needs. The information entered on payment are properly protected, and encrypted using the most advanced and effective security tools. 

Intellectual property 

All content on this site are the exclusive property of the Portuguesewinesshop.com: text, images, or any other type of information that is derived from third parties. So are protected by the Code of Copyright. The PortugueseWinesShop.com reserves the right at any time, change these contents, and has no obligation to make any prior notice to users.

Links to third party 

This Website may contain links to third party sites ( “linked sites”). The linked sites are not under the control of the PortugueseWinesShop.com, and is not responsible for the contents of any Linked Site.

The website PortugueseWinesShop.com not automatically collect any personal information from users who are not registered, allowing visitors to browse anonymously.

For some services, cookies (text file stored on the user’s computer, in order to customize tours) can be used to count the number of visits to the website without identifying you personally. Such cookies do not keep any type of personal information of the user, and its installation can always be controlled through the browser (browser) user.

Personal information voluntarily provided by you to complete the forms on this site is for exclusive electronic information liquor PortugueseWinesShop.com e and / or advertisers to whom the information is addressed. The PortugueseWinesShop.com will not disclose the information collected to third parties without the prior consent of its owner. This information will strictly be used to develop mechanisms for customizing your site and for emailing of informational messages and news on that site. 

This privacy policy might be altered in the future. To clarify any doubt, additional information or suggestions, please contact sales@portuguesewinesshop.com 
